Friday, October 22, 2010

Magellan Poll: Tancredo and Hickenlooper in a statistical tie

Magellan Data and Mapping Strategies today released the results of an automated survey of 1,067 likely voters in the state of Colorado looking at the race for Governor. The findings show Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper and former Congressman Tom Tancredo in a statistical tie. Among likely voters, Democrat John Hickenlooper has 44%, American Constitution Party candidate Tom Tancredo has 43%, and embattled Republican candidate Dan Maes has 9% support. The generic “other candidate” has 2%, and only 2% responded as undecided.

Since the Colorado Governor survey on August 25th, support for Dan Maes has plummeted from 27% to 9%, a total of 18 points. It is clear the vast majority of former Dan Maes supporters are moving into the Tom Tancredo column. Since the August survey, support for Tom Tancredo has increased from 17% to 43%, a total of 27 points. John Hickenlooper has not been able to reach the crucial 50% threshold, and has in fact dropped 2 points since our August survey, from 46% to 44%.

The survey was conducted October 20th and has a margin error of +/- 3%


  1. Denver has had nothing but higher taxes, higher unemployment and a staedy decrease in basic city services since Hickenlooper has been the Mayor.

    Trust me, Colorado does not need the Hickenlooper treatment.

  2. I think Dan Maes bit off waaaaay more than he could chew. What bugs me is that there are several other Republicans in Colorado who would have made great governors. Unfortunately, they weren’t in the race. That said, Tancredo will be head and shoulders over Hickenlooper and his illegal aliens, not to mention Ritter.

  3. At this point Maes is helping to elect the Democrat.

    Why won't he do the right thing and bow out with some grace?

  4. the tank will win! colorado need his conservatism.
